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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pregnancy: To be healthy, or not to be healthy?

Well, I'm pregnant again. My kiddos are going to be roughly 22 months apart in age. Yikes! Hopefully that means they'll be besties and not beasties...We're thrilled that God has seen fit to bless us once again with another munchkin, and we pray for another healthy pregnancy and baby. We're not overly concerned about the sex of the baby, although with my husband being the only boy, it might be nice to have a boy. We'll be thrilled no matter what, and yes, we plan to find out ASAP!

The last time I was pregnant was my first pregnancy ever. I was TERRIFIED (while also thrilled of course). I made the mistake of reading every book, brochure, and online article as well as attending every new parent class...all of that really only served to convince me that even if I made it full term and had a healthy baby, I'd probably make a million wrong choices and end up screwing everything up. I had normal morning sickness the first trimester and then hip pain throughout the rest of the pregnancy, but otherwise a relatively easy, healthy pregnancy. But I was just sure that if I ate the wrong thing or moved the wrong way I was going to lose the baby. So I quit working out, ate pretty much whatever I wanted (mostly healthy, but c'mon, let's be honest...pregnancy cravings are real people!), and constantly questioned every.single.little.thing. I monitored her heartbeat almost daily and said a mildly panicked prayer if she didn't move enough for my peace of mind. You guys, it was RIDICULOUS. I was THAT pregnant lady. I tried to control it externally, so I'm pretty sure I wasn't too obnoxious to everyone around me. Then we moved across the country when I was 8 weeks pregnant and I wasn't able to nest...people, let me tell you - I thought I was going to lose my mind! We finally bought a house and moved in ONE WEEK before my due date. It was God's perfect timing, yet again, as of course our sweet L came ON her due date! My wonderful family, and then my in-laws, all helped us get settled in our new house as we celebrated being a new little family.

From that pregnancy, I learned that most pregnancies are, in fact, healthy and normal. Not all pregnancies are created equal, and it will most likely be different every time. But living in absolute fear is no way to enjoy a pregnancy! This time around my doctor has already cleared me to workout, within reason of course. She actually encouraged me to continue drinking my Shakeology! Her exact words were "it can only add nutrients, which is always good!" For those who may be skeptical, don't worry, she thoroughly researched Shakeology before making her recommendation. And she also motivated me to relax and enjoy my pregnancy!

I know there could still be complications or issues, so of course I will still be careful. But this pregnancy, I hope, will be different for me. At least emotionally and mentally, I feel better prepared and even able to set some new goals for myself:

  • I will continue to workout using PiYo, Autumn Calabrese's "Active Maternity" Prenatal and Postnatal Series (on Beachbody On Demand), and Healthy Habits Happy Moms Prenatal and Postnatal Series. I absolutely love swimming and yoga, so I will keep those up for as long as possible too. 
  • I will continue to take my prenatal vitamins, Omega-3s, and Shakeology every day. Thankfully this time around I already know that I need the chewable versions of my vitamins and Omega-3s. Last time I spent many days super sick because of the swallowable versions, which are harder to digest anyway!
  • I will go to bed earlier and avoid adding extra commitments to my plate. Because I have a toddler (what?! when did she get promoted?!), I rarely get naps and often don't get a full night's sleep. I'm also really bad at saying no, so I end up with a full schedule. If I go to bed earlier and allow myself a less hectic schedule, I can hopefully feel as rested as possible (because every woman who has been pregnant knows that you never feel completely rested when you're pregnant. Or afterward...haha)
All of these things will help me have the safest, healthiest pregnancy possible. Let me be clear - my weight loss goals are on hold. It is never smart to try to lose weight while pregnant. But it is smart to try to stay strong and healthy. That is my goal with my workouts. I know that I had hip and pelvic floor issues during and after my last pregnancy, as well as the fact that I completely quit working out. This meant I was battling up a very steep and slippery hill in an effort to return to a healthy state after giving birth. I'm hoping to prevent some of the bloodier battles this time around. The overall goal is to stay healthy! I will be chronicling my journey almost daily in the Hapless Housewifery Facebook Group if you are interested in following me. If you have any questions along the way about the products I'm using, please feel free to message me, post in the group, or email me at

Until next time, I am...
hapless but hopeful,

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